Technical Difficulties - or Why the industry wants to dictate to us.

Hello World! 
Today's Glamourous Life adventure....Technical Difficulties!

As more "mature" women, how often are we confronted with "Do this, not that" or "Don't wear this over 30, 40 or 50+"?  Who writes these rules?!  Seriously!  Who?!!!!

I would really like to know, because I want to introduce them to reality.  And that reality is that no two women are the same.  While one 50 year old woman never wants to wear frosted eyeshadow, another on may love it.  You know what?  Neither one is wrong!  Some 30 year olds look and feel great in mini skirts, let them ROCK IT!  

As I age I am finding myself more and more disgruntled by the beauty and fashion industry.  Yes, I was a model in the 1990s, so I know who they cater to.  Although it has improved somewhat, the industry still caters to the super impossibly skinny and uber youthful teenagers that cannot possibly afford to buy their products.  Come on, show me an average middle class 17 year old that can plop down $82 for a McGrath Labs palette, and I'll show you a rich kid with an allowance!  And when was the last time you saw a college student dealing with student loans rocking Prada pumps?

This whole concept of the "do's and don'ts of aging" hit me today while filming my Autumn Look.  How many times I have heard don't use shimmer shadow if you have crows feet or crepey eyelids.  It just struck me as really annoying.  I LOVE to wear shimmer and glitter, crows feet be damned!  And that, my friends is the purpose of makeup.  To make you feel better about yourself.  

Makeup isn't for the world at large, it is for YOU.   You choose what look you want.  If that's fluorescent orange work it!  If it's not wearing anything at all, flaunt that natural glow!

As Robert Welsh says, "make up has no rules", but he also says "there is a theory".  All that means is you should learn how to use the products you have properly.  Of course there are no beauty police out there to write you a ticket if you use concealer as a shadow primer, so you do you Boo!

So, let's just move past these technical difficulties and focus on what makes us happy.  Age is just a number it is not a limit!
