A Day in the Glamourous Life Mental Health Edition #worldkindnessday
I was struggling with how to start today's blog. Then I thought, I tell people "Glamourous" doesn't mean what the media or supermodels tell us. So let's take a peak into my Glamourous Life. My husband hasn't stopped working during all this either. He works for a freight delivery company and the Navy. Both of which are very essential right now. My oldest works for a famous coffee chain, which keeps me well caffeinated. So our house has had a couple of virus related scares, both my husband and daughter were potentially exposed on separate occasions. Fortunately, no one contracted this disease in my house. Although I have a few relatives in my extended family that have. Once everyone is up and doing their thing, it's time for Mom to "work". Well, that's how it's supposed to be. And some days it is. But I will be honest with you, I have struggled. I have anxiety that has definitely heightened with this Pandemic....